Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Welcome to the slim down...

So here we go again...  after baby slim down round two!  I'm Kat, 1 month after baby and ready to get back into shape and back to being me.

I have two kiddos, Miss B and G-Danger, married to a British Cowboy Sheriff, full time working gal in the cosmetics industry and all the time crazy woman.  Back in the day, BC (Before children) Stilettos, red lips, crinolines underneath my dresses and lacy fabulous underwear....  Now.... Well, not so much.  Still fabulous, but not as up to par as I once was.  I am soooo tired of feeling blah.

I am a planner, 5 year plans are my specialty.  I always planned on having the husband, the job, the house, the car, the fluffy dog, 2 children and the perfect life.... Well, I have all of the above (perfect life is subject to day/mood of the week!) :-)  Let's be realistic, there is no such thing as perfection, but there is such a thing as being perfectly happy.  I have always been a big advocate of the thought process of, "If you are not happy with something, change it!  Only you have the power to change your own life."  So now is the time that I practice what I preach.

Time to change, to begin again.  I have gotten lazy.  Okay, lazy is a harsh word, let's just say complacent.  I want to make sure that I do my best to be a great wife and mother, an employee and employer that strives to always be better, and the best me I can possibly be.  And the only way that any of that can happen is if I feel good about myself and make the effort to get back to being healthy and happy!

But this blog isn't just about weight loss.  It is about finding your/ my happy.  It is about the daily musings of my craziness.  It is about having fun and feeling fabulous!

So here we go! Let's get honest... the stats... okay.... we will save that for another day.... hey what can I say, that is enough honesty and soul bearing for the evening!  ;-)